(b. in Shanghai, China)

Julia Nee Chu currently lives and works in Santa Monica, California.

The focus of my painting has always had to do with nature or rather, the processes or movements of nature. One cannot copy nature, but through the process of painting one can experience the transformation of nature.

What is nature to me? The Chinese philosophy of nature is to find universal orientation. The elements of nature are earth, wind, water and sun. From the processes of nature or the physics of nature come the forms (matter), motion space and mechanics and the human elements. Human beings are just one small element of the nature’s processes. Therefore, we are an integral part of nature and through the positive /negative, Ying and Yang, we arrive to become part of the unifying whole.

For a Chinese, the purest form of art is calligraphy. The spirit of the brushstroke, also called touch, is spontaneity and finality. Spontaneity is a reflection that comes directly from the mind. Finality is when ink touches paper. It cannot be erased.

The process of touching the paintbrush to the surface of the paper is called time. Time spent cannot be returned, so the process is precious. Therefore, the act of writing becomes a scared act. This is why Chinese consider writing is a way to exercise. I drop paint on the surface of paper or canvas and leave marks to build up the density of time. This creates a universal space.

The brush (touch) movement is an important element in my painting, movement is the force of transformation in nature. So my act of painting is not only about recreating a feeling of nature, but nature itself.

My act of painting is a dialogue between the conscious and the orientation of myself to the world.

Has been with Sin Sin Fine Art since 2005.




JULIA NEE CHU Opulent acrylic on canvas 117 x 92 cm | 2011 in Touch | 7 Oct - 4 Nov 211 | a solo exhibition
JULIA NEE CHU Mall acrylic on canvas 137 x 107 cm | 2011 in Touch | 7 Oct - 4 Nov 211 | a solo exhibition
JULIA NEE CHU Pink Blow acrylic on canvas 74 x 92 | 2011 in Touch | 7 Oct - 4 Nov 211 | a solo exhibition
JULIA NEE CHU Early acrylic on canvas 163 x 122 | 2011 in Touch | 7 Oct - 4 Nov 211 | a solo exhibition
JULIA NEE CHU Spheres acrylic on canvas 117 x 92 | 2011 in Touch | 7 Oct - 4 Nov 211 | a solo exhibition
JULIA NEE CHU Arrive acrylic on canvas 89 x 130 | 2011 in Touch | 7 Oct - 4 Nov 211 | a solo exhibition
JULIA NEE CHU Golden Parachute acrylic on canvas 92 x 117 cm | 2011 in Touch | 7 Oct - 4 Nov 211 | a solo exhibition
JULIA NEE CHU Orange acrylic on canvas 117 x 92 cm | 2011 in Touch | 7 Oct - 4 Nov 211 | a solo exhibition
JULIA NEE CHU Golden Tongue digital print on canvas 86 x 66 cm | 2006 in Trans | 7 Jun - 21 Jun 2006 | a solo exhibition
JULIA NEE CHU Black and White Spiral-C digital print on canvas 86 x 66 cm | 2006 in Trans | 7 Jun - 21 Jun 2006 | a solo exhibition
JULIA NEE CHU Black and White #22 acrylic on canvas 131 x 112 cm | 2006 in Trans | 7 Jun - 21 Jun 2006 | a solo exhibition
JULIA NEE CHU Turn acrylic on canvas 117 x 91 cm | 2006 in Trans | 7 Jun - 21 Jun 2006 | a solo exhibition