Tisna Sanjaya In the mid-1990s Tisna studied at the Braunschweig University of
Art in Germany. During this time his sense of isolation increased
his sensitivity to questions of cultural identity, while at the
same time he became familiar with and inspired by the work
of early activist artists such as Kathe Kollwitz. In recent years
Tisna has worked across media, including theatre, video and
television, and implemented interactive projects with villagers
from different provinces of Indonesia, focussing on the process
of interaction as an integral element of the art. In his new multimedia
and performance work, Neo Mooi Indie, Tisna makes ironic
reference to the ‘Mooi Indie’ (beautiful Indies) landscape tradition
of Dutch colonial painting, to create a powerful, unsettling work
incorporating an imitation of a painting in the colonial style into
a nightmarish scene of mutant figures seeming to emerge out of
a poisoned landscape. In the performance element of the work,
Tisna references his love of football and its connection with the
now disappearing wide-open spaces of his childhood, inviting
the audience to wear football uniforms representing village
teams that Tisna himself supports, but which have been dipped
in the polluted waters of the river that flows through this area. As
Tisna puts it: ‘It is ironic that now the river has been poisoned and
the football field where the ‘Batu Rengat Football Team’ used to
play has been reduced to a wasteland. This is Neo Mooi Indie...’ Has been with Sin Sin Fine Art since 2008. EXHIBITION HISTORY • Full CV in PDF |
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