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After decades, Sin Sin Fine Art, the pioneering Hong Kong gallery that first showcased Indonesian artists, is once more unveiling emerging talents from the region. A chance encounter in Bali with Dani Huda and Talitha Maranila resonated deeply with Sin Sin Man, prompting her to reach out to artists from a land so dear to her.

What connects all three artists in this group show is the thirst to search deeper through nature into creative expression. Excited to share how today’s young artists are embracing nature and spirituality in their lives and work, Sin Sin “hopes it will inspire people who feel under pressure or lost; to guide them to find more light, more expanse, more breath.” A life spent in celebration of beauty and harmony, craftsmanship and art, this exhibition is philosophy in practice.

Meeting these two young artists served as an immense boost of inspiration for Sin Sin, connecting in their collective energy to work and live. ‘Extend’ is curated by Sin Sin, however she will also be showing a work in the exhibition that literally reflects back and engages in conversation with the work of Dani & Talitha. We invite you to join this creative explosion, letting the artworks be a stepping stone to introspection and spirituality.

數十載時光流逝,首家展出印尼藝術家作品的香港先驅畫廊Sin Sin Fine Art再度展現該區域新興人才。在巴厘 島與達尼·胡達(Dani Huda)和塔麗莎·瑪拉尼拉(Talitha Maranila)的偶遇深深觸動了冼倩文(Sin Sin Man)的心靈,促使她與這片對她意義非凡的土地上的藝術家聯繫起來。

2005連接這三位藝術家在這次聯合展覽中的是他們共同的追求,即深入自然尋找創作靈感。冼倩文對於呈現當今年 輕創作者如何將自然與靈性融入藝術實踐感到興奮,旨在點燃那些感到不知所措或迷失的人的火花,引導他們 走向光明、廣闊和更新。

致力於尊重美、和諧、工藝和藝術的一生,這次展覽體現了一種實踐哲學。遇見這兩位才華橫溢的藝術家讓新 新焕發活力,將他們共同的能量融入工作和生活中。雖然由冼倩文策劃,“延展”("Extend")還展示了冼倩文 自己的一件作品,與達尼和塔麗莎的作品展開視覺對話。


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