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Imagine living with a debilitating disease for the rest of your life because you were unaware you had it for so long. Imagine losing your quality of life because you were not diagnosed with a life-threatening disease in time. This is the reality for some of us in the HIV/AIDS community who did not discover their status until later in life.

AIDS Concern, which was founded in 1990, has been a strong advocate for HIV prevention and sexual health education. Over the last decade, we have helped over 200k people of all genders with HIV/AIDS testing, education and holistic support. We continue to encourage everyone in our community, regardless of orientation, age or gender, to get tested. HIV/ AIDS is a chronic, non-curable disease. Our vision for Hong Kong is Triple Zeros: zero stigma, zero new infections, and zero AIDS deaths. We aim to end AIDS by 2030.

Sin Sin Fine Arts has been a pioneer in giving back to the local community for decades. Sin Sin recognized the importance of continuing to raise awareness about HIV prevention and the associated issues, such as mental health. Sin Sin and AIDS Concern are collaborating with 17 artists for this event, and we invite you to DIVE-IN and support this exhibition. Your support will help with our continued promotion, education, and advocacy of comprehensive sexuality education as well as helping PLHIV medically and mentally, with all of our holistic services.

像一下,因為您長期沒有察覺自己患有某種疾病,而終生衰弱地生活著;又試想 想,因為您沒有及時被診斷出患有某種危疾,而錯過了治療的時機。這就是在感染愛滋 病病毒社群中某一些人的現況,他們直到很後期才發現自己受感染甚至患有愛滋病。

AIDS Concern 成立於 1990 年,一直致力於愛滋病病毒預防和全面性健康教育。在 過 去的十年裏,我們幫助了超過 20 萬名不同性別的人仕,進行 HIV/AIDS(愛滋病 病毒) 檢測、教育和全面性的支援。我們不斷鼓勵社群中的每個人,不論其性取向、 年齡或 性別,都應該定期接受檢測。愛滋病病毒是一種慢性及永久性致命疾病 。在 香港,我 們的願景是「三零」:零標籤、零新感染和零愛滋死亡。我們的目標是在 2030 年終結 愛滋病病毒。

數十年來,Sin Sin Fine Arts 一直是回饋本地社群的先驅。Sin Sin 明白到繼續提高人 們對愛滋病病毒預防及相關問題(如心理健康)的意識的重要性。Sin Sin Fine Arts 和「 關懷愛滋」將與超過 17 位藝術家朋友合作舉辦是次活動。我們誠意邀請您一同 支持是 次展覽 “DIVE-IN”。您的支持將有助於我們持續推廣、教育和倡導全面性健康 教育, 並透過我們的全方位服務,在醫療和心理上幫助一眾 HIV病毒感染者。

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